Would you say something to a friend who had something stuck in his or her teeth? or had their fly open? I am very privileged to have some great friends in life. I have a amazing group of people who I am on staff with and we are not just co-workers we are friends and we have fun together. It is amazing to serve God together with people you actually enjoy being around. I am also blessed to have people in my life that tell me what they feel, not what they think I want to hear. That is a fine line to walk sometime, if we are going to be a good friend we might want to help them with something we see may be hurting them and that they are not aware of, yet we don't want to hurt they feelings or we are unsure of how they will respond. I am beginning to learn that honesty is always the best policy, even if someone responds unlike I would hope in the end, you earn respect. In proverbs 27:17 it says "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." All friendships be involve building each other up which requires honesty based on love. Next time a friend points out something that hurts your feelings remember another great proverb: "Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy." proverbs 27:6.
1 comment:
"to have great friends, you have to be a great friend."
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