Thursday, March 20, 2008

Less than Two Weeks!!!

We are less than two weeks away form the grand opening of 210 and the new Tuesday night elevate. It feels so strange to be waiting so long for something and to have it finally right around the corner, is kind of weird. It seemed for so long like it would never get here, but here we are!
I have been learning that sometimes when we are so focused on a big huge goal, or event, we can lose sight of the small things. These small things if not attended to can into large issues or problems and as I also know all to well a lot of small things amount to a large thing. OK, now that this completely makes no sense, I will expound. There are some small things in life like spending some time with God, making contact with people, finishing small projects, that get overlooked in my life when I am staring a huge thing in the face. I tend to be a procrastinator in life, (telling myself I work best under pressure) and life get stressful when a lot of things are happening at the same time. This could be avoided easily with some simple planning and also working ahead even if I am not on a deadline.
This probably doesn't make sense in words, but in my head its perfectly clear, I simply need to start using my time more wisely and taking advantage of slower times in life to save myself (and others) a lot of stress.
There are several parables that Jesus told about using our time and resources wisely, especially the one where Jesus talks about the "talents." Those who invested wisely had great success, while the one who buried his "talent" (my interpretation: procrastinated) ended up disappointing the master.

I am going to try and use the next 10 day that I have wisely- If you are reading this I would challenge you to the same. Whether it is personal time with God or something else- jump on it, get it done, I believe God's strength is a lot more visable to use and others when we arent under the gun.

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