Friday, April 18, 2008

True Friendship

The last couple of days I have been reminded of how fortunate I am to have a great people in my life. I love the message translation of Proverbs 18:24 it says "Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family." We have many people in life that come and go,but those that stick around when things are tough are rare. The one thing that I have been teaching and reminding myself is that if you want these people in your life you must first be one.

-Congrats to my friend Jay- in Dallas he had a 6lb 15oz little baby girl last night, or at least his wife did.

Also thank you for your prayers for Amanda, the nurse who works with Codie and several of our Elevate family. Though the problem still exists and much prayer is needed, it may not be as critical as originally thought and she won't have immediate brain surgery. God is good, pray for their family as they have a lot of things to deal with through this time. She also has great friends who work with her, who are willing to help where needed.

Here is a good reminder of true friendship- "Saddle Up Partner"

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