I am learning that life is filled with mess, everything doesn't fit in a nice little little package. I think sometimes Christianity is portrayed as cute little package of perfectness, which is a myth. The Christian life is often messier and more difficult than before.
The other day my son wanted some chocolate, I new he would make a mess but I was really looking forward to seeing the joy and excitement he was going to experience. He went at it and made a mess, but it was a great moment in our life. The clean up wasn't fun, but nonetheless we had a great time.
Life has a way of getting us messy, and part of life is us learning that God's presence is there even when it doesn't feel like it. I have been learning (or at least been put in situations hwere I should learn) that many of the situations in my life are not and will never be perfect. There are situations to big for me to handle and there are things that I cannot fix. I really hope that I can begin to learn to appreciate this mess of I life that I am living, and trust a mighty God who is bigger than any mess to take care of things the way he wants, rather than what I may be expecting.
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