Friday, July 11, 2008

2nd Chances

Today I am feeling thankful for second chances. I can often identify with Paul when he shares in Romans 7 that, he found himself doing the things he didn't want to do, and the things that he wanted to do he wanted to avoid he found himself doing. This offer that Jesus made when he gave his life for us, in trading his holiness for our junk is an amazing trade. Romans 8 shares the secret of overcoming this, its letting God's spirit live through me, instead of trying to achieve perfection on my own, which always leads to discouragement and disillusionment.
I am blown away that God, who knows my past past, and knows that I am going to blow it again here and there in the future. still has an amazing and intense love for me, and wants me to be part of his plan.
I have to keep reminding myself that God's view of me is much different than my own. I am encouraged today to make the most out of my second chances.

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