Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Death Interrupted

Last night we finished our life interrupted series with a very uplifting topic- Death. I have to be honest that was a heavy topic to attempt to share what God has to say about it. Death is a topic we (I) try to avoid. The interesting thing is that God's word doesn't avoid it, in fact through out it we are encouraged to embrace the concept of death. Paul talks about death being gain.
The truth is I think we all fear the fact of losing someone we love more than facing death ourselves. When it comes to death it is hard for our mind to wrap around the fact that death is part of his plan. I won't try to pretend to have a handle on this, I still hurt from some of the experiences I have of losing people close to me. I am starting to realize some things about death and how God works his plan. I was sharing last night about how I learned much about handling the concept of death from my Dad who has lost a wife and a daughter tragically. I shared last night his story of feeling the closeness and presence of God in a overwhelming manner when he had to look the death of a loved one right in the face. I am moved that Gods love surrounds us at these tough times. But how can this be part of his plan? Death is something that Jesus came to defeat, but it is also something that is not bigger than his plan. I dont understand it, what I do know is that God will always work things out for the good of those who love him (romans 8:28).
sounds like a trite cop-out verse some times, but it is true. Last night I was reminded how God works those things out. My life is the result of a tragic death. I am sure that my Dad never thinks about the loss of his wife a enjoyable moment in his life, but through the pain and healing of that death, I am Alive. After experiencing the loss of death and the presence of God's comfort, my mother entered his life and and I a product of God's plan. Can I explain it, no. but does God work everything out- even death for his Glory? Yes.
1 Corinthinas 15 says it well

56 For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. 57 But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.

58 So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.

Ok I am done being morbid, lets get on with life

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