Monday, December 1, 2008

What are you passionate about

A couple of Months ago I did a message at Elevate called "Embracing your Passion." It was about taking what you love and using it for the good of god's kingdom. I took a look back at my previous entries and it was apparent Itended to come from a negative or self loathing slant. It easy to fall into the old religious trap of self-deprecation because of the guilt we carry with us, that God never intended us to lug that around- in fact he was so passionate about it that died for it.
Basically when we loose our passion and start analyzing our every move it gets depressing and in order to feel spiritual or "Christian" we fall into the trap of a sadistic religious ritual of beating ourselves up.
I want to stop looking at the imperfectness that will always be present in my flesh, and stop judging myself by what I do and don't do, and begin to embrace my God-given passions.
Passions are the thing that make you move when its not popular, comfortable, easy, sensible, logical, and all those others things that keep us paralyzed in the circular process of guilt and shame that plagues so many people into nominal unmotivated lives.
In the next couple of days and weeks I want to begin to strive ahead with my passions, embrace my weaknesses and press forward with the gifts, abilities and passions that God has created me with.

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