Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Wonder of Nquill

I am a huge fan of Nyquill, the main reason is that it works for me. Yesterday, I was a mess. I was miserable and slept most of the day. I was still feeling miserable last night so I went to "old reliable"-Nyquill. I woke up this morning feeling great. Nyquill is great stuff, you can take it fall asleep and wake up feeling completely different.

Nyquil is something that you don't want to drink when things are going well- you take it when you are desperate for sime relief and desire for the things that are putting your body in submission to be gone.

I begin to realize that I treat Prayer the same as Nyquill. When things get out of my control and desperate I seem to find it easy to pray. When things are moving along smoothly I might say a quick hello, or give thanks for a meal- but if I am honest I really don't spend a good amount of time in prayer.

The thing is that prayer is nothing like Nyquill. It is more like the Air. We absolutly need it to function, and take it for granted most of the time.

So today I am saying thank you to Nyquill, and hopefully spending some time (out of Love not Guilt) to ackowledge the most importatnt relationship in my life.

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