Thursday, September 10, 2009

Proofreading before hitting send.

I am notorious for sending nonsensical texts and posts because I don't take the time to proofread what I have written in texts and post. I had a really embarrassing one that I can't repeat that came out entirely wrong because I left out one word. This is a good reminder to me in how I live my life. I serve an amazing Savior who left the glories of heaven and suffered unthinkable torture and death for me- the least I could do is to look at my life, how I'm living, acting, thinking, doing, talking, working etc. etc. in a way that honors the sacrifice he made for me and shows the life he gives. I am not talking about guilting myself to the point I become a legalist, but rather living intentionally a way that simply shows I care enough to analyze my life and see if I am making errors that would embarrass him, not out of guilt but out of passionate love for my savior.

Lord I want to be like David and ask "is there anything in my heart that would keep me from knowing God and making him known to people around me."

I proofread this and realize that it is not grammatically correct but gets my point across. have an a amazing day.

1 comment:

Little D said...

i'm guilty of sending non-understandable texts.