Monday, November 16, 2009

Religion and Dating

being a leader of a primarily single group I found this article on religion, attraction and sexuality to be extremely interesting:

I am not so naive to think that young people come to Elevate merely because of the great music or the teaching. In fact I know and have heard of many who are coming because they have hopes of connecting with a significant other. I personally don't think that that is necessarily a bad thing. There are lots of meat market venues around mostly centered around alcohol consumption to lower inhibitions and heighten confidence but these mostly lead to meaningless (unless you throw in guilt and shame) hookups. I love the fact that we have an opportunity that provides an opportunity to for people to develop community with people of the same age and that there might possibly be some romantic connections that come to fruition.

The danger is when there is no standards and accountability, and people allow their natural inclinations to guide them rather than God's leading in their life. That is why it is so important for us to address the area of integrity. My favorite definition of integrity is: who you are when no one is looking. If we are seeking to build and train up Godly young men and women who value integrity, then I think this can be a great place for people to find dating relationships- as long as that becomes secondary to living a life above reproach.

I am looking forward to this new season we are in of challenging people to embrace real relationships and accountability that promote integrity. These test can say whatever they want about why or why not people are religious or why they attend church, but each and every person has a decision to make: am I gonna do thing my way or Gods way. Am I going to pursue instant gratification or grow in character and see what kind of person that attracts and let God bring that perfect person into our lives.

The place I dream of Elevate becoming, is a place where the Men walk in integrity and look to protect the girls before they think of their attractiveness or date-ability.
A place where women know who they are in Christ and don't need a man to validate them or a dating relationship to feel loved. A place where guys and girls can buidl friendships without thinking of "what is their real intentions" this is the kind of place where real dynamic relationship can flourish and where some of the best marriages for the new generation can begin.

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