Its been interesting to see the response to the tragedy in Haiti. From the pouring out of compassion and kindness of people to the controversy surrounding comments made by Pat Robertson. I will admit I spent a some time worrying about distancing myself from Pat Robertson's and clenching my teeth in anger because because I don't believe his views truly represent God's views on this tragedy. Donald Miller wrote an article that really helped and encouraged my thoughts on this particular subject.
Thinking through this and wondering why such devastation seems to happen in area's that are already ravaged by poverty, got me asking the every familiar question "Why, God?" I know God is sovereign and that nothing happens without his knowledge and permission, but it often becomes difficult to manage that with the God who would sacrifice his own Son on our behalf. We can do what Pat did and quickly blame it on a vengeful God who is punishing people for the sins of their ancestors or we can look to the Bible.
John Chapter 9 helps bring some resolution to my heart.
1. As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth.2 "Rabbi," his disciples asked him, "why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents' sins?"
3 "It was not because of his sins or his parents' sins," Jesus answered. "This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.4 We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work.5 But while I am here in the world, I am the light of the world."
The disciples response was like Robertson's, basically- who should we blame? Jesus' response was that this happened so that the Glory of God would be revealed.
I believe in a God who is bigger than tragedy, who is so big in fact that he can receive glory out of every situation regardless the magnitude. We are here on this earth for one reason alone, for the glory of God. I look forward to Christ receiving incredible amounts of glory by the response of his people. A window has been opened for the followers of Christ to proclaim who he is, not by how smart we are or how we explain things, but rather by acting as he would act.
1 comment:
Some look at Pat Robertson's as a bit harsh, but what would of been said about Sodom & Gomorrah in current times. Just exactly what is happening now, some say it is a awful for it to happen to them, but look at the has and is still taking place there. Others would say, 'why God', and others would say that it is God reminding them who really holds "ALL" in his hand. Now after I have said that, look at what other countries are doing, turning away from the creator of ALL, this does include the United States, look at what is happening to a country that was built on the word of God. Do we just say "why God" and go on, no we should not. Its time for Christians to take back what the enemy has taken from us and stand firm on the Word of God.
Serving God....
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