Monday, February 25, 2008

Attitude- Half Full

I had a bad week last week. I didn't have anything tragic happen, I just had a bad week, it seemed like everywhere I turned something more frustrating than the last happened. As I look back on it, I didn't have to experience that kind of week, I just did! Saturday night my good friend Alex taught a message on worship. He had the same week I had, he then shared the story from Acts Chapter 16 of Paul and Silas who were beaten and put in chains for their commitment to Jesus. Instead of griping and complaining, they begin to sing songs of worship. They chose their attitude they didn't let their circumstances choose their attitude. so I was convicted to readjust my perspective and my focus.
So here I am at the beginning of a week, I have to do some things I don't want to do, in fact i have an extra busy 3 days because I am leaving for a short vacation with my wife at the end of the week (wont be hard to have a great attitude for that.) I have a choice am I going to run from my responsibilities or let the pressures force me into frustration and dejection? My Answer today is NO! I am going to be a worshipper, not a goody too shoes pretending everything is fine, but I am going to acknowledge that God is amazing and that what he has given me and what he is doing in and around me is far greater than my situations. I am choosing to be optimistic and energetic because I have the living God with me and for me! and he will be victorious and I will align my perspective with His! My Glass is more than Half full and I am expecting an overflowing cup soon, because He is Faithful!!!

Have a great day and God bless

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great perspective!