Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tornado's and God's Grace

A few years ago my wife and I were living in Arkansas and bought a home in a town called Gassville. If you have been watching the news in the last 24 hours you may have seen that that town was completely leveled by a tornado. It was crazy to see the places where we gassed up our vehicles and ate mexican food and bought groceries destroyed by what is called an "act of God."
Its always difficult to understand why something like this happens, and the truth is as much as we try to explain it away and pretend like we understand- we don't. I don't know why God chooses to save some ans allow other to go through tough and even tragic times. The only thing that I do know is that God is in charge and he will always receive glory. The book of Job shares an amazing story of a man who had it all, and then had it all taken away... with God's permission- I am sure Job really never understood everything that God allowed, but he stayed faithful, and God began to restore more than he had in the beginning. We have somehow arrived at a conclusion that we all deserve to live a pain free 85-90 years, the truth is that we live in a world plagued by sin and death and none of us deserve our next breath, but God it his amazing perfectness chooses to allow us good times and bad.
My encouragement to any one going through tough times is remain faithful and rather than looking for explanations look for God's presence, in the long run that is the only thing that will satisfy the emptiness and the unknown in our lives.

here is a clip from the news about the devestation in Gassville. Click Here

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