Thursday, May 22, 2008


I find myself getting sick quite a bit lately. I think there are a couple of reasons for that. 1. I havent been taking care of my body. (no gym and bad eating happens make for some sluggish days) 2. Improper time management, many times I will allow the tyranny of the urgent to take complete rule, and my unwillingness to say no, keeps me up late doing things I should have done or shouldnt have volunteered to do.
3. and Finally not taking one of the 10 commandments seriously. That being the Sabbath. I think the sabbath has nothing to do with going to church, but rather taking time to stop and let God rejuvenate my mind, body, and soul.

Here is what Louie Giglio wrote about the Sabbath:

That’s what today is all about. Sabbath is not about legalism and rule keeping. This holy day of rest is about the posture of our hearts...about laying at His feet the heavy weight of the world we’ve tried to carry all week long.

There’s so much to be done and so little time to do it. And that’s the point exactly. We can’t. But, then again, Sabbath reminds us that God is building the house that stands, not us. And having done our best at all we can, it’s time to be still...and by our very godly inactivity exalt Him as our all in all.

Breathe out weight and worry. Breathe in again the bigness of God.

This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength. Isaiah 30:15a

Today’s prayer:
Father we praise You today. Not because we are supposed to, but because we want to…we need to. We need to remember again today that You are Almighty. Limitless. Unchanging. Forever the same. From weariness and brokenness we look up to You. You are the source of life and peace. All of our help comes from You, Maker of heaven and earth. (end)

I need to take some time to take care of me: That is sometimes the best thing I can do for my family, my friends, and the people God has commissioned for me to lead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not to long ago, I had some kind of volunteer thing almost every day of the week. that's on top of a full time job. As the opportunity to step away from those things came I slowly got my life back to a place where I had balance. Through this I learned to say "no" sometimes, because we are no good to God when we are stressed and tired all the time.