Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Marriage and Commitment

Tonight the Elevate theme was being ready for marriage- now. Whether you are in it, or coming out of it, or are years away from commitment- the preparation should begin now! The book af Genesis gives us the beginning on how God designed human relationship and how it was important for us to leave or parents and cleave to our spouse.
the thing that I tried to stress the most that commitment should become a very important part of our life before we make a marriage commitment.
So here are some things that I am convicted to do as a result of what I taught tonight:
1. I need to be more committed to some of the areas in my life that I have let slide. in particular I want to commit to physcal fitness, eating healthy, spending wisely, and mentoring my sons.
2. I need to let go of some of the things from my psst that I still beat myself up over- to leave them at the cross. (1 Corinthians 5:17 I am a new creation)
3. Spend time more time listening to the voice of God to discern his voice and what his plan is for my life. So I am not swayed by the lies of this world.
4. I need to be pro-active in protecting my relationship with my wife and making it better.
So I have a lot to work on. the cool thing is that the God who created the earth with his mere breath, has promised to help me do what I cannot do on his own. I am planning on taking him up on his offer.

God bless

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