Monday, June 16, 2008


Time has a away of moving along so fast that often you forget what you have or being to take it for granted. Yesterday I was able to celebrate fathers day with my wife and sons, and take a little time to appreciate what I have. I rally am blessed, and I need to do a better job of being thankful for, and investing in what I do have rather than working so hard to pursue the things I think I should have.

At elevate we are in a series on relationships, and this week we are going to be looking at the differences between men and women, and how God created us both with amazing qualities and characteristics and if we want to have solid relationships (especially with the opposite sex) we need to learn to embrace the differences. In a long term relationship, it is easy to let the differences become sources of conflict rather than stimulants for relationship growth. I have began to learn that I am glad my wife is not what I would like to mold her into. She is strong is so many area's where I am week, and I am working on really appreciating those area's where she is much different than I.

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