Monday, November 26, 2007

Commitment Hangover

Do you feel (or look) like this in the morning? I do, just ask my wife. I am in the process of learning that commitment is a lot more than simply making a decision. Commitment requires the daily choice to stick to your guns regardless of your feelings or the circumstances that surround you. It is easy to make a decision to experience life change after a amazing worship band plays, and hearing a message from God's word while we are sitting in a church. The real challenge starts the next morning when we roll out of bed and begin to face life for real. I often joke it would be awesome to have Jonathan sitting on a chair with his guitar when I wake up playing "Blessed be the Name" and have "Louie Giglio (my favorite speaker) give me a quick challenge from God's word. The truth is that life is different, when we are alone, and it is easy to say "I will start tomorrow", or to let ourselves be lied to- that we are no different than we were before. I was challenged by the story of the crippled man having to leave the security of his handicap and list of excuses. I want to be like him and immediately stand in faith when Jesus says get up. I have been reminding myself of that all day and it has been an encouraging day, and I feel like a different person. I may wake up tomorrow and feel different, so I will remind myself it is not about how I feel but rather the truth. Jesus says rise up and walk with him. so today I did, and I want to continue that daily. I am different not because I feel different, because I am choosing the life change offered in the person of Jesus.

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