Yesterday I shared how hard it was to leave my wife and boys behind, today I had to say goodbye. Jonah being a big grown up 61/2 year old (if you forget the ½ your in trouble) was fine, he was to big and grown up to let me know he would miss me, but I could feel his hug was a little tighter and I got an extra kiss on the cheek when I dropped him off at the bus. Then after a big poo-poo diaper change, I took my, one year old, Jackson to his day care. He loves day care and gets excited when we get to the door and runs in ,a starts playing the moment we arrive. Today he could sense something was different, he stayed close and for the first time began to cry when I left. Its amazing how he could sense something, and could pick up on my conversations that he wasn’t going to see dad for a while. Codie called me when she went to pick him up, she said that when she arrived at the door and knocked she heard him run to the door and started hollering “Hi Dad-da”
As the door opened he was full of excitement he could wait for Dad to scoop him up, he was confused for a second and then lit up, it was mom and that was just fine.
Do I long for conversations and time with my father, do I notice when I haven’t been in his presence for a while. Jesus several times in the gospel talks about becoming like children and having the faith of children. In our grown up faith sometimes we miss out on the joy of connecting with our heavenly father. As we get older we tend to get caught up in our own busy schedules we lose the awe of that immense staple in our life- Dad! I can only imagine what it looks like to look up at someone 10 times your size and throw your arms up and say take me and hold me. I need to reconnect we the awesomeness of the vast indescribable “hugeness” of God, who despite my weakness and humanness he loves me and calls me to know him, and speaks encouragement and hope to me.
Once again, I am already anticipating the reunion with my wife and boys, and the trip has just started. I really believe that God is anticipating the moment that we will stop our schedules and actually slow down log enough to enjoy each others presence and allow him to speak into our lives.
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