Sunday, November 25, 2007

Leaving it in the Pew.

Tonight at Elevate we talked about leaving behind the handicaps that hold us back from experiencing the miracles that God has in store for us. In John 5, Jesus tells a man crippled for 38 years to simply stand up and walk. The man had to leave behind his handicap (what had held him back) and do something he hadn't done before. We are all called to leave behind the things that tie us down, hurt us, and keep us away from experiencing Gods love. Its easier said than done. We have learned to live with these handicaps, in fact they sometimes become a part of who we are. It is easy to switch into auto pilot and just let life happen rather than take they step of faith when Jesus says to us "stand up and walk" which means leaving behind what we have been living with for a long time and stepping into the unknown.
So the journey starts now, leave it where you are, you are a new person. And remember that Jesus says "So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. John 8:36"


Anonymous said...

-I am free, I need to start living like it.

Anonymous said...

I need prayer