Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Mini Storms

Sometimes, it is easy to allow ourselves to blow up during the small storms of life. I think too often I personally don't consider what is best considering my relationship with Christ when I am in a tough time that is not considered a crisis. When someone treats me bad, when my kids misbehave, or when I things don't go my way. There is something to be said about handling your self in a a Godly manner when things are not "all that bad," I believe the better you handle yourself in smaller situations, the easier it is to truly trust and rely fully on God when the storms are bigger than we think we can handle. Read Phillipians 4 and see what it says about how we should handle ourselves in all situations.

If you haven't shared your prayer for a miracle in your life- you can do that by clicking the comments at the end of this paragraph.

God bless you all today.

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