Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Today I have been reading in Hebrews Chapter 11. This is called the great faith chapter, because it talks about many of the great people in the Old Testament and how God allowed them to be part of some amazing things because of their simple faith in God.

Faith is described as things that we hope for, and all though we do not see them we believe that God will make good on his promises.

If I think about the life these people lived, they were not free from pain and heart ache, but they continued to persevere because they knew that ultimately God would come through for them.

Sunday I preached on Sacrifice, and the definition that I used was being willing to give up something that you love, for something or somebody that you love even more. I believe this takes faith. The things life that we are called to live as a follower of Jesus is stepping into the unseen and we are called to give up some of the things that are seen so that the unseen can become a reality in our lives.

I am going to try to practice what I preach this week, I am going to look to sacrifice some of the things that have become a part of my life so that I might honor God and that will continue to poor into my life the things that I miss out on when I am living life in cruise control.

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