Tuesday, February 10, 2009

30 day Challenge for transformation

Yesterday I started a 30 day Challenge. I am going to take some dramatic steps in my life to declare my love for God. I am not doing this because I have to or because I feel it is my duty, there is no guilt or shame attached to this... I am challenged by the "Crazy Love" that God has shown me and would like to respond in a crazy manner.

Perfect timing, the day I start my 30 day challenge the flu-bug hits our home. But somehow I have managed to stay on track.

Once again these are things that I want to do out of a "crazy love" for God in response for who he is and of what he has done, (they are not a formula for anyone else, we all respond in our own way. The only thing the Lord desires is a willing heart.)

Here is what I am proposing to do over the next 30 days:

Starting Monday Feb 9th-
1. Wake up at 6AM and Have time with God. (Spiritual Transformation)
2. Watch Less TV- Limited to a few shows with my wife, One Basketball Game a week. And spend more time reading the Bible and Challenging books (Spiritual and Mental Transformation).
3. Take my Wife on a date twice a month.- Devote a specific hour to each of my boys weekly (Relational Transformation)
4. Hit the gym at least 4 times a week. (Physical Transformation)
5. Improve my Intake of Food, NO Fast food stop drinking Soda and cut way back on Coffee. (Physical and Financial Transformation)
6. Meet with a Mentor Once a Week. (Emotional and Mental Transformation)

I will be getting a little more specific in the days to come.

This is based on a few scriptures:

Jesus said to him, “‘you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
(Matthew 22:37 – 40)

God blesses those whose hearts are pure,
for they will see God. Matthew 5:8


Anonymous said...

Awesome Joel. I'm on the same path. Funny how a book by Chan can start a revolution. It's just a refocusing of our lives around Jesus and specifically the Word. I'm reminded today that Christ himself spoke of the inerrant divinely inspired Word of God in Matthew 5:18. I'll be praying for your 30 days that they will draw you close to God, your family, and continue to build you into the awesome leader you are.

Elevate of Visalia said...

thanks for the word of encouragement, I am doing a video documentary on mhy 30 days. Going to do a series in March called 30 days, and challenge Elevate to begin their own response to this Crazy LOVE.

You are a great friend and encouragement. God bless.

kimricosays said...

Ive heard endless great things about your guys series of crazy love!

I read the book back in Sept. and it was challenging to read but so amazing at the same time.

Will keep you in my prayers during these 30days!

lnewmanjln said...

Hey brother! I read your note and wanted to see what you think about this.
First off, I used to struggle with the whole "transformation" thing but then I saw Rom 12:2, which said the transformation came through renewal of the mind. Then I started looking at Paul's epistles and saw that it wasn't about what I did (or didn't do), in other words it wasn't about my habits (good or bad) but rather about what I was thinking.
This made sense because it is the same with raising kids. Their hearts say "me, me" but that is only because their hearts are still selfish. Once they learn it is not all about them but rather about something else (in our case Christ) then they take their eyes off "me". The same with us, it is not what I am doing, what I could be doing better, etc., but rather to put my focus on Christ and what he did. Praise God!
There's so much more I am seeing that has freed me up from me. My goal, like Paul is to say "I was crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave himself up for me" (Gal 2:20).
Ultimately, I'd like to get to the place where I can say, "But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I DO NOT EVEN JUDGE MYSELF. I AM NOT AWARE OF ANYTHING AGAINST MYSELF, but I am not thereby acquitted. It is the Lord who judges me.” (1Cor 4:3-4).
I expect that God, through his awesome word, will complete this transformation work in me, as I am sure he is doing for you.
Thanks for throwing that truth about transformation out. I look forward to what thoughts you have on this.