Friday, July 18, 2008

Awareness Test

Watch the Video and see how many passes the white team makes.
Sometimes its easy to get in a groove, or probably a better term is a rut, in our relationship with Christ. Sometimes we only see what someone else tells us to see. I am learning that God has so much to offer in a intimate relationship. This same unchanging God, has an amzing way of showing himself to us in ways that reach where we are at. The truth is only God knows where are our heart is and what we need to get us through eaach day and to propel us to a life of abundance as he promised in John 10:10. I believe the greatest things God does in my life is not what someone else teaches me, or imitating what someone else formula for closeness to God, but rather through getting into God's word on my own, and letting him speak to me what he wants to say. Its funny for a guy who is a speaker and a teacher to say that, I still believe it is importat to have good teachers, however, it is more important to have a first hand relationship with God that doesnt depend on someone else doing a good job.

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