Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hangin Out

Who do you like spending time with? I really enjoy hanging out with friends especially over food. When you have good food and good conversation it makes for an interesting evening. Tonight at Elevate we are going to be covering Acts chapter 2, where it shares how God's people got together and met to eat and share their lives together and some amazing things happened. Life gets so busy that we often miss out on these great times because we have so much of our own going on that we don't have time to share. This is what the church was initially set up to be, sometimes I think we are missing the point by turning church into an hour of being spectators and performers rather than just simply hanging out with each other, loving each others, laughing together, crying together, encouraging, and just simply doing life together.
With a new 210 building built to lead into "hangout times" it is going to be important for elevate to not get too caught up in the dynamics of "church service" but focus on promoting "community celebration" or just hangin out enjoying each other and God.

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