Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Jesus Came to Earth- For us!

In my personal time with God I am going through the book of Hebrews. In Hebrews 2 talks about Jesus becoming Flesh or taking on a human body- that means pain, hurt, emotions the works. God the Son who was in heaven... not just somewhere out there, Heaven, a place more incredible than we can even imagine, came and lived here with us, and died a horrific death, and rose again, that I might have life. It is really cool to think about the awesome thing this is. God himself took a place next to me here on earth. He gave up the glory of heaven- because of his love for me.
My response to this can come in several different forms, I can say "oh great story" and move on, or I can take some time and be blown away by the reality of it, and begin to think how I can thank him, recognize him and give him the glory he deserves. not out of guilt but out of amazement and thankfulness.
How can I do this? I want to looking daily for opportunities to give him Glory- How does he get Glory!- By me recognizing him for who he is, in me.

I am going to look for ways to show to the world that he is real!!! And that means leaving the comfort of daily routine
and living out my faith like I believe this truth.

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