Saturday, January 5, 2008


I have been learning a lot especially in the area of patience. Patience is tough because you have to give up control. I am sitting in the airport right now and have 2 hours to kill, and I am not enjoying the wait. The internet connection is extremely slow and I am anxiously tapping the keyboard while it takes forever to load the pages. When I get in a hurry and lose my sense of patience I tend to dwell on the negatives rather than thinking of the positives. I am spending some quality time with my son, the flights are not canceled, the internet connection may be slow but it is free, and I just got to spend a few days with my parents. For me one of the greatest things I can do to stop rushing through life and dwelling on the negatives is to stop and take time to be thankful. The series I taught on slow motion is really beginning to impact my life, and as long as I begin to practice what I preach and what I am learning from God, life is much more meaningful, effective, and enjoyable.
The verse from psalms continues to challenge me: "be still and know that I (He), is God." He is God and I am not. He is in control, and the quicker I begin to live like that, the less of a mess I make out of things.
Enjoying the journey and remembering the great things in my life make waiting a positive experience rather than making me bitter and agitated.
I am now enjoying this beautiful 2 hour layover in Denver.

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