Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I am Legend

Tonight we are going to be closing the series "I am Legend." We looked at some of the names God used to reveal himself to us. As the "I AM" he was the beginning of all things, and when we fall short, when we aren't big enough, strong enough, wise enough, patient enough, he not only says "I AM" he is "I AM." We also saw the mighty God, who created the heavens and the earth by simply speaking them into existence, this all-powerful mighty God breathed life into his creation and showed his magnificent artistry by hand crafting us into his image. We Also saw him as an Everlasting Father, a Father who is kind, compassionate, in love with us, and always there.

Tonight we will close with him revealing himself through Jesus, who came and said in John 14:6: I am the way the truth and the life." I am thankful that God in his unspeakable and indescribable majesty is not only willing but passionately pursuing a relationship with us.

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