Thursday, May 8, 2008

Waking up tired and and even after multiple cups of coffee is not a great way to start your day. That is how may day started today, not sure if its allergies in the air, lack of sleep (actually went to bed at a good time), or lack of physical exercise- most likely all the above. Anyway, I am learning that my physical condition has a lot to do with my spiritual well being. Something I am needing to make happen in my life is balance, looking to develop wisdom and grow closer to the heart of God is not easy, but when I am a whole person I am much more receptive to the plans and changes that God has for my life.
I believe that God does a whole lot more with his strength than we can ever think of, but he has given us the freedom to choose what we will do with the gift of our bodies. I need to treat his gift a little better and discipline myself. Not out of Guilt! but out appreciation for what he is planning to do in me and through me- If my broken down body can handle it.

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