Tuesday, September 2, 2008

God's Love

This is an old hymn that Mercy Me recorded.

I sometimes allow myself to think that Gods love for me is based on my performance. That is a lie straight from the pit, God's love for me is unconditional and complete and is based on who He is not how I behave (or misbehave). The lyrics of this song are very moving, and I often need a reminder that Gods love goes beyond my realm of thinking.

My problem is that I often turn to the worlds definition of love which is based on what I do and how I perform. Its then easy for em to start thinking that I don't measure up and that God is sitting in heaven shaking his head at me in disgust. Although I believe He desires me to experience his holiness and avoid things that take me away from him, His desire is to pursue him out of Love not out of Guilt or religious duty.
Pretty simple, but hard its hard to break free from the religious performance baggage I accumulated over the years.

Hope you feel loved.

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