Monday, September 15, 2008

Missing my Ring

This past week I lost my wedding ring, a minor interruption to some degree, but a symbol of the most precious thing I have here on earth is missing and I am starting to fill a little bit of loss. Its hard to explain, I know it is supposedly replaceable, but that one isn't, it the one my wife and I picked out 10 years ago. I still remember going through the Arden fair mall in Sacramento, looking at jewelry and showing my wife the one that was my choice. And I remember like it was yesterday my wife putting it on my finger. Its special but it is gone, and I am pretty bummed out about that. The saying is old and trite, but it is true: you don't realize how much you value something until it was gone. I miss that simple gold ring.
I am thankful that I have the memories of it and that my marriage goes deeper than external possessions. I am challenged to remember and be thankful for what I have and how special it is.
Life goes through many interruptions, hopefully we use them of reminders of what we have.
Last week at Elevate I was reminded of how amazing God's love was for me, and how much he wants to share with me, but my addiction to noise often drowns out the still small voice of God.
I was just reading Ephesians 2:20, that says "remember that you were once separated from Christ." I am thankful that that separation was filled by his amazing Gift to us on the cross, and that he made a promise to never leave me.
That's something to remember.
So being bummed about the ring has taken me full circle to remeber the amazing relationship God has blessed me with, and also of the price he paid because of his intense love for me.

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