Monday, September 8, 2008

Sound and Noise

this week in our "Life Interrupted" series at Elevate we are going to be experience Sound Interrupted. I like Noise, I like loud music, I love hearing my kids play, I love talking to people and hearing their stories. Sound is a gift from God that we often take for granted. we can turn some of God's greatest gifts into detrimental (my big word for the day) obstacles in our spiritual journey. I can easily drown out anything in life with all the noise the world has to offer. Music, TV, Radio (I am huge sports talk radio junkie), can easily dominate my brain and leave no room for anything else.
I believe God is always talking to us, to communicate his love to us, as well as his plan for our life. Many times I base my worth on what I feel and what the noise around me conveys rather than What God is actually speaking to me.
So this week, I am going to work on taking some time to eliminate my usual noise escapes, and make an effort at listening to that still small voice. In 1st Kings 19, Elijah has an encounter with God where he see's all kind of amazing events, Earthquake, windstorm, and blazing Fire, but it wasn't until things were silent that he heard God's quiet voice.
I think we often look for these amazing signs and moves of God to determine if he is at work or if he has a plan for our lives. God's most important instructions and messages for us will usually come in the quiet and solitude of seeking him with all our heart and removing our usual distractions.
Realizing that God is not shouting while looking down at me with disappointment, helps me realize that he genuinely loves me and wants to have intimate conversation with me. Guilt and Shame are not reasons to spend time with God, in fact those may be the loudest noises we have to remove in order to hear the wonderful words of love, direction, and acceptance that He is speaking over me.

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