Monday, September 22, 2008


Mondays are an interesting day, some people hate them because of being off for the weekend. For me it is actually a day right during the middle of my busy time. I have responsibilities on Sundays and I have Tuesday nights to prepare for. So technically Wednesday is my Monday, oh wait maybe its my Saturday... Mondays are full for me, I have staff meetings in the afternoon, and a creative planning meeting later in the evening. I am a person who works much better with structure in place, the interesting thing is that I am currently working in a compete lack thereof. So my thought and goal for this week is to begin to organize my life and get some structure.

so where shall I start? Clean my office? Map out my week? Get my Blackberry up to date, prioritize my to do list... The problem I run against is that I have become pretty organized in my own un-organization. So I am going to have to go against some pretty dug-in habits, but I know that if I am going to really get a grip on this I am going to have a give myself a shock to the system.

leaving a place where you are comfortable is never an easy thing to do, even if you know the results are better. One of the reasons that I am really wanting to make this work is that I often feel like I have allowed my relationship with Christ to drift into a comfortable manageable... dare I say... religious obligation. That is a place I definitely don't want to be, even if it is comfortable.
So here goes...
I think I am going to start by priortizing my to do list... then clean... then.....

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