Monday, April 7, 2008

Proverbs 7- The Grass is Greener... or is it?

Proverbs is a great book of nuts and bolts wisdom for daily living. I have been learning a bunch and have actually started to see some results in my life from making wiser decisions. Proverbs 7 could easily be dismissed as a "don't have an affair chapter," but there is more more practical wisdom here than meets the eye. Tomorrow we are going to be covering what God has to say about relationships through proverbs at Elevate, and this chapter actually makes a ton of sense, whether you are single, married or dating. unfortunately in our culture the entertainment industry has been the main source for knowledge about relationships, and it paints a unrealistic picture, usually of two attractive people being burned with passion, and teaches that when we follow out heart it will lead us to the right person and we will have eternal bliss when we find them. I am not one who says we need to throw away our Tv's, not go to movies, and bury our heads in the sand. But I do believe that Gods way is better than unrealistic methods of achieving intimacy and meaningful relationships. Proverbs 7 talks about the dangers of following our heart, the book of Jeremiah tells us that the heart is "deceitful above all things" and will lead us to destruction if we don't begin to make wise choices in our relationships. Once again according to proverbs, it all comes back to 2 things- fearing God, and trusting Him.

Another disservice that has been done to popular views of relationships, is that Gods plan for relationships is seen or portrayed as boring, prudish, or out of date. The truth is that there is more enjoyment and satisfaction when relationships are carried out in a way that honors God.
Its more about what God offers, than about what you shouldn't do. The grass may look greener on the other side (following our passions and desires,) but Gods way will always bring true fulfillment rather than momentary pleasure followed by guilt and depression.

You want true relational greatness, fall in love with God. Let him become the most meaningful being in our life, the rest of our relationships will have a far better chance of being what they were created to be- Amazing.

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