Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What do you Treasure?

Tonight at Elevate we are going to be discussing the Valuable things in life. The things we usually consider Valuable are people, time, and money. I think the easiest way to see what we Value is to take a look at how much time we spend with something or someone, and how we spend our money.
There is a verse in the book of Matthew where Jesus says "where your treasure is there your heart will be also." We tend to do a lot of things based on our heart (or our feelings), I would like to think that I treasure somethings higher than others, but if I were to look how I spend my time and my money I actually have some things way high up on the Value List that should be much lower.

I am looking forward to taking a personal inventory to really see what I Value, and begin to take some steps in life to increase my value of eternal things. Jesus talks about this much on how much more Valuable the Kingdom of God is than the things we tend to let drive us in life.

Today I want to treasure my Freedom in Christ and my relationship with him, and to seek to place high Value on the greatest things he has given me.

Another thought: What did Jesus Value? that would be a great place for me to look when I am assigning priority to the "things I treasure list."

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